Creating OrderController (API Endpoint).

As per the diagram, you know that the request comes to the /order/place endpoint and also the handing over the execution to the stacksaga is happened in this controller class.

public class OrderController {

    private final SagaTemplate<PlaceOrderAggregator> placeOrderAggregatorSagaTemplate;

    public PlaceOrderDto.ResponseBody createOrder(@RequestBody PlaceOrderDto.RequestBody requestBody) {
        final PlaceOrderAggregator placeOrderAggregator = new PlaceOrderAggregator();
                        .map(orderItem -> orderItem.getItemPrice() * orderItem.getQty())

        placeOrderAggregator.getExecutions().add("INIT:" +;
        log.debug("placeOrderAggregator:{}", placeOrderAggregator);

        return PlaceOrderDto.ResponseBody.builder()
                .message("order has been submitted successfully")
1 Autowire the SagaTemplate for handing over the execution to the framework. Your target aggregator class should be provided to the SagaTemplate as a type.
2 Initialize the PlaceOrderAggregator [] and set the data that should be added initially. In our case, the necessary data that are given from the endpoint are added to the aggregator object. You can see the initialized data at the dashboard like this.
3 Handing over the execution to the framework by passing the initialized aggregator object, and the executor class that the execution should be started. From here the execution will be handled by the StackSaga execution coordinator (SEC) asynchronously.
4 Build the response object to the client by using the aggregatorTransactionId. aggregatorTransactionId can access through your aggregator object due to that id comes from the Aggregator super.

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