Disabled Transactions VS Terminated Transactions
Disabled Transactions
If some transactions are expired after retrying withing the transaction lifetime these transactions are disabled transactions.
What are the reasons for expiring transactions without completing?
Some executors may have been changed during the transaction execution period.
For instance, Just imagine that a transaction is initiated at service version 1.0.0, and it keeps some time for retrying due to the target service not available and if a new version is deployed during the time without the executor that transaction can not be executed. even if the transaction is passed for retrying the transaction is not executed due to the executor not existing. Even if the executor is not found at that moment the transaction is re-scheduled again for retrying again and again until reaching the end of the transaction lifetime. After the end of the lifetime, the transaction is marked as a disabled transaction.The reason for rescheduling the transaction even if the executor is not found is that the team can recognise the issue and fix them before reaching the lifetime. Because if there is this kind of error, Stacksaga framework notifies the issue into the admin dashboard.
The target service host is not found.
If the target host is not found again and again until the lifetime is exceeded the transaction is marked as a disabled transaction after the end of the lifetime.At this moment the system doesn’t warn you through the admin dashboard board because resources unavailable are accepted by the framework.
Terminated Transactions
If a transaction is failed while reverting, the transaction is marked as a terminated transaction. because revert process cannot be failed except a RetryableException in StackSaga. The difference between a terminated transaction and a disabled transaction is that the transaction is stopped without reaching the lifetime.
How to restore the Disabled Transactions and Terminated Transactions?
The bugs of the Disabled transactions and Terminated Transactions should be discovered manually by the team. and after readying for execute that transactions you can restore the transaction for retrying.
There are 2 endpoints for handle the Disabled Transactions and Terminated Transactions.
Fetching the Disabled Transactions and Terminated Transactions.
You can collect the Disabled Transactions and Terminated Transactions through this endpoint for analyzing the errors or issues. -
Restoring the Disabled Transactions and Terminated Transactions.
You can restore the Disabled Transactions and Terminated Transactions through this endpoint by extending the transaction lifetime.
The endpoints are different from each implementation. and find the relevant endpoint here as per the implementation that you are using. |